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#5. Developing UI in-game screens for the demo🧑‍💻 Hi.I'm Latte🐹, the designer of the mystery adventure game.  Chuseok is here before we know it.I hope you have a rich Chuseok where all your wishes come true! 🌕🍂  The development log I posted just before was in June, and it's already September!The goal was to upload the development log every month,but I'm sorry that I couldn't upload it steadily, and I'm sorry to think about those who have wai.. 2024. 9. 14.
#5. 데모를 향해 UI 인게임 화면 개발 중!🧑‍💻 안녕하세요!추리 어드벤처 게임 기획자, 라떼🐹입니다. 어느새 추석이 다가왔습니다.모든 소원이 이뤄지는 풍요로운 추석 보내시길 바라요!🌕🍂 직전에 올린 개발 일지가 6월인데 벌써 9월이라니!매달 개발일지를 업로드하는 게 목표였는데꾸준히 업로드하지 못해 아쉽기도 하고행여나 기다리셨을 분들을 생각하면 죄송스럽기도 합니당..저희의 첫 게임이라 최대한 준비된 상태에서 보여드리려고 하는 욕심이 있었던 거 같아요귀엽게 봐주셨으면 좋겠습니다!ㅎㅎ 먼저 그동안의 개발 진척 상황을 요약하자면,기획은 시나리오 스크립트 작성과 캐릭터 설정 시트, 설정 고도화 작업을 작성하였고,디자인🦔은 UI 디자인 고도화 작업, 캐릭터 아트 작업을 진행하고,개발🦉은 와이어프레임을 바탕으로 UI, 프로토타입 개발과 함께 시나리오 보.. 2024. 9. 14.
#3. WORK WITH US in May💪✨💼 Hello!I'm Latte🐹, the designer of the mystery adventure game . To boost morale and work efficiency in May,We had an offline meeting and a company dinner😊 It's called Work With Us.For busy team members, I rented a study room for half a weekend.It is a program in which each person's work, meetings, and after-party are concentrated in a day.We named it , meaning time for all team members to work .. 2024. 7. 5.
#2. The start of <Professor Nowhere>. It's not easy😂 Hello!I'm Latte🐹, the game designer of the mystery adventure game .It's already been a month.The sun is warm now, so I can realize that spring is finally here!🌸 As we aimed to launch steam in September, we are both excited and worried about the change of seasons.I'm sure other indie game teams are like that.It looks like it's creaking on the outside, but I'm proud that I'm doing it somehow.The.. 2024. 7. 5.